今天刚发现 arduino 串口通讯居然不支持 Serial. end () ; 请问怎么解决这个问题, 我觉得这个很重要! ! ! 我使用的是 W806
Hi. The lack of Serial. End () method is not critical in most cases. Its work is to deinitialize the hardware UART and release the controller pins that were connected to it.
It should be noted that the HardwareSerial class is static and calling the End () method does not free RAM. It is not difficult to add support for this method, but I would like to know how you want to use it.
https: //stackoverflow. com/questions/24770622/arduino-any-reason-to-have-call-serial-end
我写了一段加密程序, 简单的说, 我是通过串口监视器输入密匙可以永久激活, 一旦程序激活就关闭串口通讯, 我在 arduino UNO 上试过了没有问题, 在 W806 上使用发现不支持 Serial. end () ;
@xiaoxuesheng OK. Tomorrow I'll tell you what needs to be done
@xiaoxuesheng Unzip to "C: Users "user" AppDataLocalArduino15packagesw80x_duinohardwareXT8040. 0. 6coresw806"
HardwareSerial. zip
@xiaoxuesheng I'm on an extended business trip right now. I don't know when I'll be back in my lab. This is a temporary solution, I don't have time for an in-depth study right now. Write about this problem to https: //github. com/board707/w80x_arduino/issues.
非常感谢 Anatolsher, 这对我来说足够了.