Use W801 I met him at the beginning 3 A question, It worked out, but we don't know why, Hope to update later SDK

Publish in 2022-04-09 15: 37: 38

[1] : Use SDK build-in cJSON The library appears the integer down function floor Undefined problem, floor It should be math. h A function of, There should be no undefined.
1. png
[solution] : will SDK build-in cJSON Library replace with, cJSON1. 5. 0 Version can be resolved. But the latest version cJSON Still unavailable. follow-up SDK Update can be updated under the own cJSON library.

[2] : About use SPI Bus driven external 25qxx series Flash. Use SDK Medium written wm_fls_gd25qxx. c Drive only drive GD25Q128, While driving commonly used Huabang (Winbond) w25q128 Failure to read will occur Flash ID, What I read is 0x0 perhaps 0xfffffff Cause drive failure.
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[solution] : As shown below, change-driven tls_spifls_read_id (u32 * id) function, Will which pass spi send cmd Change the length of 1.
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[3] : Use W801 Drive clock module DS1302 Find at, in CDK Mid-compile time, If you do not explicitly define the integer variable initialization, When doing a shift operation, The default variable will appear and the default initial value will be 1 Instead of 0.
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[solution] : right mid Perform initialization operations, The initial value is 0, Normally, if you don't assign an initialization value, it should default to 0 So it's weird.
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2 Multiple replies
Handsome young man
Handsome young man 2022-04-10
This guy is very lazy, I didn't write anything!

c Language non-static local variable initializers you do not assign where have you seen will default to 0, brother c Linguistics is not solid.

abcd 认证expert 2022-04-11
I'm just an old man passing by~

math Library function, Should and cjson it doesn't matter, with CDK compile, Engineering failure math Library link in, You can try it in the engineering Settings linker Inside handle math Library add in. image. png

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