Use WM-W800-SDK-202207-V1. 00. 08 ENGINEERING.
right ES8311 Use I2C After configuration, unavailable I2S Make a read, The read process waits. Don't know what the problem is, is ES8311 and I2S Configuration error, Or am I using it the wrong way.
The code is as follows:
#ifndef __I2C_H__
#define __I2C_H__
#include "wm_gpio. h"
#include "wm_gpio_afsel. h"
#include "wm_i2c. h"
#define I2C_FREQ (100 * 1000)
#define I2C_SCL WM_IO_PA_01 // Control line
#define I2C_SDA WM_IO_PA_04 // Data cable
* @brief I2C initialize
static inline void i2c_init (void)
// Configuration pin
wm_i2c_scl_config (I2C_SCL) ;
wm_i2c_sda_config (I2C_SDA) ;
// Set clock rate
tls_i2c_init (I2C_FREQ) ;
#ifndef __I2S_H__
#define __I2S_H__
#include "wm_gpio. h"
#include "wm_gpio_afsel. h"
#include "wm_i2s. h"
#include "wm_pwm. h"
#define I2S_MCLK WM_IO_PB_07
#define I2S_BCLK WM_IO_PB_08
#define I2S_LRCK WM_IO_PB_09
#define I2S_DI WM_IO_PB_10
#define I2S_DO WM_IO_PB_11
* @brief I2S initialize
static inline void i2s_init (void)
wm_i2s_ck_config (I2S_BCLK) ;
wm_i2s_ws_config (I2S_LRCK) ;
wm_i2s_di_config (I2S_DI) ;
wm_i2s_do_config (I2S_DO) ;
static inline void i2s_mclk_out (u8 div)
u8 channel = 4;
tls_pwm_stop (channel) ;
wm_pwm4_config (I2S_MCLK) ; // I2S_MCLK attention
tls_pwm_out_mode_config (channel, WM_PWM_OUT_MODE_INDPT) ;
tls_pwm_cnt_type_config (channel, WM_PWM_CNT_TYPE_EDGE_ALIGN_OUT) ;
tls_pwm_freq_config (channel, 0, div - 1) ;
tls_pwm_duty_config (channel, (div - 1) / 2) ;
tls_pwm_loop_mode_config (channel, WM_PWM_LOOP_TYPE_LOOP) ;
tls_pwm_out_inverse_cmd (channel, DISABLE) ;
tls_pwm_output_en_cmd (channel, WM_PWM_OUT_EN_STATE_OUT) ;
tls_pwm_start (channel) ;
#include "driver/es8311. h"
#include "wm_gpio. h"
#include "wm_gpio_afsel. h"
#include "wm_i2c. h"
#include "wm_pwm. h"
#include "util/error. h"
static u8 init_data[][2] = {
{0x00, 0x1F},
{0x45, 0x00},
{0x01, 0x30},
{0x02, 0x90},
{0x03, 0x19},
{0x16, 0x03},
{0x04, 0x19},
{0x05, 0x00},
{0x06, 0x0F},
{0x07, 0x01},
{0x08, 0xFF},
{0x0B, 0x00},
{0x0C, 0x00},
{0x10, 0x1F},
{0x11, 0x7F},
{0x00, 0xC0},
{0x0D, 0x01},
{0x01, 0x3F},
{0x14, 0x1A},
{0x12, 0x00},
{0x13, 0x10},
{0x09, 0x0C},
{0x0A, 0x0C},
{0x0E, 0x02},
{0x0F, 0x44},
{0x15, 0x00},
{0x1B, 0x05},
{0x1C, 0x65},
{0x17, 0xFF}, // ADC volume 0xBF = 0
{0x37, 0x08},
{0x32, 0xFF}, // DAC volume 0xBF = 0
{0x44, 0x00}, // loopback test. on: 0x88; off: 0x00; mic--" speak
int es8311_i2c_get_reg (u8 addr, u8 *val)
tls_i2c_write_byte (ES8311_I2C_ADDRW, 1) ;
GOTO_IF (tls_i2c_wait_ack () == WM_SUCCESS, err) ;
tls_i2c_write_byte (addr, 0) ;
GOTO_IF (tls_i2c_wait_ack () == WM_SUCCESS, err) ;
tls_i2c_write_byte (ES8311_I2C_ADDRR, 1) ;
GOTO_IF (tls_i2c_wait_ack () == WM_SUCCESS, err) ;
*val = tls_i2c_read_byte (0, 1) ;
return WM_SUCCESS;
LOG ("es8311 i2c get reg fail") ;
return WM_FAILED;
int es8311_i2c_set_reg (u8 addr, u8 val)
tls_i2c_write_byte (ES8311_I2C_ADDRW, 1) ;
GOTO_IF (tls_i2c_wait_ack () == WM_SUCCESS, err) ;
tls_i2c_write_byte (addr, 0) ;
GOTO_IF (tls_i2c_wait_ack () == WM_SUCCESS, err) ;
tls_i2c_write_byte (val, 0) ;
GOTO_IF (tls_i2c_wait_ack () == WM_SUCCESS, err) ;
tls_i2c_stop () ;
return WM_SUCCESS;
LOG ("es8311 i2c set reg fail") ;
return WM_FAILED;
int es8311_init (void)
for (size_t i = 0; i " sizeof (init_data) / sizeof (init_data[0]) ; i++)
GOTO_IF (es8311_i2c_set_reg (init_data[i][0], init_data[i][1]) == WM_SUCCESS, err) ;
tls_os_time_delay (10) ; // Prevent excessive speed
return WM_SUCCESS;
LOG ("es8311 init fail") ;
return WM_FAILED;
#include "wm_include. h"
#include "driver/es8311. h"
#include "driver/i2c. h"
#include "driver/i2s. h"
#include "util/debug. h"
#define DEMO_DATA_SIZE (1024)
static u32 i2s_demo_rx[DEMO_DATA_SIZE] = {0};
static void show_rx_data (u16 len)
printf ("recv %d\r\n", len) ;
for (u16 i = 0; i " len; i++)
printf ("%08X ", i2s_demo_rx[i]) ;
if (i % 16 == 15)
printf ("\n") ;
void callback (uint32_t *data, uint16_t *len)
printf ("x\n") ;
void i2s_config (void)
I2S_InitDef opts = {
. I2S_Mode_SS = I2S_CTRL_MONO,
. I2S_Trans_STD = I2S_Standard,
. I2S_DataFormat = I2S_DataFormat_16,
. I2S_AudioFreq = 12500,
. I2S_MclkFreq = 8000000,
wm_i2s_port_init (&opts) ;
wm_i2s_register_callback (NULL) ;
void UserMain (void)
i2c_init () ;
i2s_init () ;
printf ("[i2c] init \n") ;
printf ("[i2s] init \n") ;
i2s_mclk_out (5) ;
printf ("[i2s] mclk out \n") ;
DBG (es8311_init () == WM_SUCCESS) ;
printf ("[es8311] init \n") ;
printf ("[i2s] read start \n") ;
i2s_config () ;
wm_i2s_rx_int ( (int16_t *) i2s_demo_rx, DEMO_DATA_SIZE) ; // Wait here indefinitely
show_rx_data (DEMO_DATA_SIZE) ;
printf ("[i2s] read end \n") ;
while (1)
tls_os_time_delay (1000) ;
Recommended reference to this SDK, There's a ready-made one inside codec Driver code. http: //ask. winnermicro. com/article/74. html