Hello friends! This week I will check the compatibility of the Adafruit library for multi-channel PWM if I can quickly find the required chip (PCA9685) . Unfortunately, I don' t have such a shield in my collection.
UOOU To clarify, draw how you connected the shield to the w80x board
Thank you. Please take a look
@UOOU I received the long-awaited multi-channel PWM shield from AliExp. The first test showed compatibility with the Adafruit_PWMServoDriver library at an MCU clock speed of 80 MHz. All tests were successful. I don' t know yet why it doesn' t work at 160/240 MHz. But I'll try to figure out this soon.

@UOOU Second method. . . Use any pins for SDA, SCL signals. To do this you need to edit the file like this

In this case, software emulation of the I2C protocol will work. This works stably at all MCU frequencies with acceptable baud rates
@UOOU Third method. . . You need to add some code to the file. This works well even with Wire. setClock (1000000) ! end MCU clock 160/240 mhz

@AnatolSher Thank you very much, this way it can work