我参照 demo 来写 i2c 通信 data 一直是 0 读不到数据, 请问该怎么写?
Which I2C device do you want to write or read data to?
你的实现逻辑没有按照 I2C 的时序来实现. 熟悉下 I2C 的时序, 参照 demo 里的 AT24CXX_ReadOneByte, AT24CXX_WriteOneByte 来实现.
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How should I correct it?
@leiyu Does this device have industry markings?
@AnatolSher no
I want to know if my code logic is wrong?
@leiyu How did you initialize the ALS sensor?
A very detailed description is available at https: //github. com/adafruit/Adafruit_LTR329_LTR303/blob/main/Adafruit_LTR329_LTR303. cpp
You may be using LTR-X116A. The register addresses will change but the sensor control logic will not.
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