添加了 jsonhttps: //cdn. jsdelivr. net/gh/Hi-LinkDuino/w80x_arduino/package_w80x_proxy_index. json
Usually Russians are associated with the bear, vodka, balalaika, and Satan's nuclear missile. Google Translator amusingly translated the phrase 已有俄国大牛接手 as "A Russian bull has taken over" : ) )
已有俄国大牛接手, 项目进度http: //ask. winnermicro. com/article/169. html项目地址https: //github. com/board707/w80x_arduino/tree/hal-v0. 6. 0
isme1 小时前冰镇大西瓜国内镜像地址: http: //dl. isme. fun/w80x_arduino/package_w80x_index. json
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