W80X Arduino 按键控制 LED

发布于 2023-07-14 12: 02: 36
在这个例子中, 我们将学习如何用按键控制 led 灯.


  1. 1 x 面包板
  2. 1 x 按钮 (如果没有按钮, 也可以使用开发板上的 BOOT 键作为按钮实现)
  3. 1 x LED
  4. 1 × 330Ω电阻
  5. 2 x 跳线


根据电路图连接面包板上的元件, 如下图所示.

按键图. jpg


在计算机上打开 Arduino IDE 软件. 使用 Arduino 语言对电路进行编码和控制. 点击 "新建" 打开新建草图文件. 这里不讨论具体的配置.

open. jpg


  Turns on and off a light emitting diode (LED)  connected to digital pin PB5, 
  when pressing a pushbutton attached to pin PA1. 
  Note:  on most Arduinos there are already seven LEDs on the board attached to pin PB5, PB25, PB26, PB18, PB17, PB16, PB11. 

// constants won't change.  They're used here to set pin numbers: 
const int buttonPin = PA1;      // the number of the pushbutton pin. 
const int ledPin =  PB5;       // the number of the LED pin. 

// variables will change. 
int buttonState = 0;   // variable for reading the pushbutton status. 

void setup () 
  // initialize the LED pin as an output. 
  pinMode (ledPin,  OUTPUT) ; 
  // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input. 
  pinMode (buttonPin,  INPUT) ; 

void loop () 
  // read the state of the pushbutton value. 
  buttonState = digitalRead (buttonPin) ; 
  // check if the pushbutton is pressed.  If it is,  the buttonState is HIGH. 
  if  (buttonState == HIGH) 
    // turn LED off: 
    digitalWrite (ledPin,  HIGH) ; 
    // turn LED on: 
    digitalWrite (ledPin,  LOW) ; 


首先单击 Verify 验证代码是否正确

1eb55992e618394f516378dc48b779b3. jpg

接着单击 Upload 上传代码弹出保存框, 在相应的位置编辑文件名并保存即可

27f363e694f6a241818561e7e1236ab9. jpg

16892212723385. jpg


烧录步骤 1_副本. jpg

最后等待上传需要十几秒的时间, 显示以下即表示成功

6f1f1a696c4d4368c9238972d20e5c5b. jpg


digitalRead (buttonPin) ; 
digitalWrite (ledPin,  HIGH) ; 

digitalRead (buttonPin) , digitalWrite (ledPin, LOW) -我们在这里使用的是数字信号. 如果你要使用模拟信号, 你必须使用内置的 "函数" analogRead () 和 "函数" analogWrite () 来做到这一点.


当按下按钮时, 灯会高亮; 否则, 灯会熄灭.

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